About us

Our symbol for a world that is tolerant and open
Our symbol for a world that is tolerant and open

TIO e.V. runs several courses and information centers, whose goal is to improve the living situations of immigrant women, to provide them with equal access to the German education system and job market, and to enable their full participation in familial and political decisions. We are funded by the Senate of Berlin and the European Social Fund.


TIO e.V. believes in the value of the individual and strives for equal rights and opportunities for immigrant women in German Society. TIO e.V. expressly respects the heterogeneous nature of our target group, and the different cultures of our participants and employees. We work to make this respect and solidarity a matter of course in all of our educational programs and information centers. Our centers support and encourage every single one of our participants to set and achieve their goals - both at home and in the workplace.


Our educational offers are designed for women and girls who require the necessary school leaving-certificates to begin vocational education in any number of fields. Our information centers offer comprehensive support in social, legal, and educational matters.


Networking and cooperation with similar institutions and organizations is instrumental to our work.


Our staff is made up of 15 women from seven different countries. We speak 14 languages: German, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Russian, English, French, Singhalese and Italian.


Aktuelle Stellenausschreibungen:

Für unsere Beratungsstelle in Kreuzberg suchen wir ab 01.07.2024 eine 

Sozialarbeiterin/Sozialpädagogin  und eine Praktikantin.


Für das Projekt Perspektivwechsel suchen wir ab 16.09.2024 eine Sozialpädagogin/ pädagogische Mitarbeiterin


Kontakt Geschäftsstelle

Der Träger TIO e.V. ist erreichbar

  • per Email:
  • per Telefon:
    030 - 624 80 10

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Postbank Berlin