TIO-Girls' Studio

The Girls' Studio is a course providing second-chance education to young women who wish do an apprenticeship or get vocational training. This year's course will run from August 22, 2021 until July 31st, 2022. 


TIO-Girls' Studio offers young women the opportunity to acquire certification, and to identify and pursue viable options within adult life. Participants get the chance to take charge of their own futures.

Our courses

Our twelve-month course prepares young women under the age of 25 to take the exams certifying that they have achieved the erweiterte Berufsbildungsreife (EBBR).


Our courses offer: 

  • Competence in the regular school subjects: German, Math, English, History and Social Studies, as well as Biology
  • Self-directed, media-supported learning in a small group
  • Renewed and improved self-confidence
  • Profiling and preparation for job interviews
  • Help finding an apprenticeship or vocational training program

Contact us

TIO e.V. - Girls' Studio

Reuterstraße 78 

12053 Berlin 
Tel.: 030 / 624 80 10

Email: tio-studio@hotmail.de


Or use our contact form.


The Girls' Studio is funded by the Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen as well as by the European Union (European Social Fund).

Aktuelle Stellenausschreibungen:

Für unsere Beratungsstelle in Kreuzberg suchen wir ab 01.07.2024 eine 

Sozialarbeiterin/Sozialpädagogin  und eine Praktikantin.


Für das Projekt Perspektivwechsel suchen wir ab 16.09.2024 eine Sozialpädagogin/ pädagogische Mitarbeiterin


Kontakt Geschäftsstelle

Der Träger TIO e.V. ist erreichbar

  • per Email:
  • per Telefon:
    030 - 624 80 10

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