Welcome to TIO e.V.

Treff- und Informationsort e.V. (Meeting and Information Center) is a non-profit intercultural organization that has been supporting equal participation and representation of immigrant women in German society since 1978. TIO e.V. believes that integration into everyday society is achieved through integration into the workforce.


TIO e.V. currently runs two information centers and two educational centers in Kreuzberg and Neukölln.

Both of TIO e.V.'s educational centers are located in Neukölln. The Girls' Studio and the Qualifizierungsprojekt strive to improve the living situations of immigrant women and girls, and to enable their full participation at home, at work and in politics.


In addition, TIO e.V. runs the Weiterbildungsberatung, it offers vocational counseling and is an information center for continuing education, where women and girls come with questions about jobs, job training, and educational opportunities in Berlin. Furthermore, we give services of guidance and counseling to refugees on language courses, recognition of foreign professional qualifications, work permits and other topics. The counselors speak German, English, Turkish and French.


Perspektivwechsel is our newest project and complements our work: It’s a meeting point for young women (16-25 years), where they can learn, do their homework and have fun, too. They get information and guidance on topics that are related to their area of life, e.g. vocational counseling, early motherhood, familial issues.


The Beratungsstelle in Kreuzberg is a counseling center, where women and girls can go for help with familial issues, domestic violence, visa problems and many other topics.

Karin Heinrich 1955-2013

Karin Heinrich 2.6.1955 - 14.1.2013
You opened doors for so many of us! Thank you, Karin!

Aktuelle Stellenausschreibungen:

Für unsere Beratungsstelle in Kreuzberg suchen wir ab 01.07.2024 eine 

Sozialarbeiterin/Sozialpädagogin  und eine Praktikantin.


Für das Projekt Perspektivwechsel suchen wir ab 16.09.2024 eine Sozialpädagogin/ pädagogische Mitarbeiterin


Kontakt Geschäftsstelle

Der Träger TIO e.V. ist erreichbar

  • per Email:
  • per Telefon:
    030 - 624 80 10

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